Precoat oil Filtration

Vacuum Filter was one of the first companies to offer oil filtration equipment. These systems are of the precoat type.


How does
it works?

They therefore use a layer of filtration aid, fossil or wood flour, as a filtering medium, which is applied on top of a special cloth mounted on a rotating support called a drum. The vacuum between upstream and downstream of the drum keeps the precoat on the fabric and allows the suction of the oil tobe filtered.

The precoat layer retains the solid while allowing the liquid to pass through. A steel blade slices through a light layer of precoat at each turn of the drum, knocking off the dried-out dirt and keeping the filter surface clean.


This type of product provides, in some cases, an oil preheating system to increase the fluidity of the product allowing a higher filtration yield. The machine is also insulated to maintain a constant oil temperature.

ico_Tavola disegno 1


Scraper blade systems use the narrow-meshed polypropylene cloth as a filter medium.


Filtration with
scraping blade

Scraper blade systems use the narrow-meshed polypropylene cloth as a filter medium.



We solve any problem presented by the customer by studying solutions that deviate from normal production.